Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Holidays

Happy New Year everyone. Just a little update of what my Christmas and New Years were like.

My Christmas this year was very interesting as this was the first year that Katie and I were completely alone and left to make our own plans. It was a very pleasant and surreal experience that I loved. The Saturday before Christmas we gathered some friends together over at our friend Chuck’s place (as he has a bigger place than us) where Katie organized and cooked us all dinner (with help of our friend J and other’s bringing munchies) that turned out fantastic. We then exchanged gifts and watched the New Zealand comedy/horror flick Black Sheep (which was fantastic). And of course some Rock Band was played.

Christmas Eve was spent with Katie’s other family (long story) and then we spent Christmas Day just sitting on the couch watching Doctor Who all day. It was fantastic.

And then the following weekend is when we did things with my family. Caleb and his girlfriend Cass staying with us a few nights while my parents stayed elsewhere, so that was awesome as I don’t get to see Caleb nearly often enough. All in all, a great time.

And now a breakdown of everything I am incredibly thankful for receiving:

Katie got me a lot of much needed clothing
FM Broadcaster for our portable DVD player
Funny Page a Day desk calendar
CD player for the shower with a fogless mirror
Scene It - Marvel Comics edition

World War Z
Serenity Found
The Prestige
MST3K Amazing Colossal Guide

The Master (the TV show staring Lee Van Cleef)
Spider-Man 3
Fantastic Four 2
The Dresden Files complete series
Adventures of Young Indiana Jones Vol. 2
Pixar Shorts Vol. 1
And a box set of 50 old Sci-fi movies from the 50’s-90’s

For New Year’s Eve we went out to dinner with Mike and Lauralye at a place called Cameron’s Steakhouse. This was my third visit there so I knew what to expect. I was wrong. Our waiter screwed up so much stuff that I could write an entire blog about it. But even if the service had been perfect like it was on my previous two visits that would not have changed the fact that the lobster bisque that Katie ordered didn’t agree with her stomach so we just went home and spent the night in bed watching TV (which was honestly very nice).

On New Year’s Day we did the standard evening at my Uncle Wally’s (actually my dad’s uncle, but you get the idea). Caleb and Cass had actually gone home for New Year’s Eve but they came back up for this which was cool. They then joined Katie and I in out own New Year’s tradition of going to see a movie. We saw National Treasure: Book of Secrets and we all enjoyed it.

So that was my holiday and bad dinner aside I had a fantastic time with family and friends. I hope you all had the same. Have a wonderful ’08 everybody!

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