Thursday, May 15, 2008

Iron Man (2008)

NOTE: Since this is a review for a movie still in theaters I’ve adjusted my usual style of addressing very specific parts of the story to a general review staying a vague as possible so as to not spoil anything major.

So Marvel finally realizes they can and should control their own movie properties and this is their first outing. Not a good start, which is tragic because I really enjoy John Favreau’s work and Robert Downey Jr. has become a frighteningly entertaining actor since sobering up. And then we get this turd pile.

Nah, I’m just messing with you, this movie was so awesome I can’t think of a proper metaphor to express it, and I’m a master of ridiculous metaphors.

I’ve already seen it twice, the first time was planned and then the next day a group of friends was going and invited me along so I went with them planning to try and find something wrong with the movie. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only flaws in this movie could only be pointed out by someone purposely being a complete d*ck. For example; a scene where Iron Man is flying and is knocked out of the air sending him crashing into the ground from at least 100 feet up. Of course his suit could survive but technically he’d be jelly inside. Who the F cares, right?

The entire cast is through and through, perfect. Robert Downey Jr. not only looks the part of Tony Stark but he perfectly translates a man who learns that his irresponsible behavior has caused a lot of pain in the world and now must use a second chance in life to fix it all the while retaining at least some of that reckless behavior. Terrence Howard absolutely rocks as James Rhodes, Tony’s best friend who will eventually don the armor himself. Funny thing there is that apparently they cut out a lot of his scenes which is mind boggling because of how perfectly he’s used. Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane, possibly the most changed character from the comic version, is absolutely brilliant as a cold hearted, self serving villain. And even Gwyneth Paltrow who I’ve always been indifferent about, is incredible as the very capable, loyal personal assistant, Pepper Potts.

The story is so mind blowingly perfect that I can’t believe they pulled it off. Of course this may have something to do with a lot of help (and uncredited due to him doing it for free) from Shane Black, writer of such movies as Monster Squad, Lethal Weapon, and Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. The whole movie is technically beginning to end an origin story but it never feels like it’s taking too long to tell it. And along the way there are plenty of little Iron Man (and Marvel Universe in general) comic history bits, such as John Favreau playing the part of Harold “Happy” Hogan, Tony’s chauffer and bodyguard.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that they sort of give into a Marvel Movie standard, but it’s done in a way that unlike Spider-Man 3, makes perfect sense, and that is showing our hero and villain with their masks off. It comes at the very end of the movie where Iron Man and Iron Monger are basically out of steam (Iron Man more so) and just pulling out all the stops to win the fight. Iron Man manages to disable Monger’s optics giving him reason to open up the armor so he can actually see. Just before this, Monger threw Iron Man off ripping off his helmet in the process. It works perfectly and in no way feels forced just adding to how awesome the movie is.

Marvel Movie Score: 10

Why That?: A new standard has been set. From here on every Marvel Movie will be judged by Iron Man’s complete perfection. It’s a perfect combination of Fantastic Four’s fun and Spider-Man’s seriousness. And I feel I should mention just how awesome Robert Downey Jr. truly is: Since a large portion of the story takes place in Afghanistan, a reporter asked Downey his opinion of the war in Iraq. Downey’s response was, “Shut the f up and let me enjoy my blockbuster.” Amen, brother. Now bring on the sequel!


Ms. Jane said...

Amen to that!! I gasped when I first read the words "turd pile" and was relieved to find you were just joshing me, man! *Phew*

Ms. Jane said...

PS. You should submit some movie reviews for magazines and stuff. You are really talented at them!!! No joke! Very insightful! And you've got the geekiness to back up your convictions. Muah!

Ms. Jane said...

Have you seen Indy Four yet?

Caleb said...

sorry it took me so long to say this shit was incredible