Friday, September 11, 2009

Where Were You?

So my first post in months is a little cliche. Oh well, we'll all get by.

Eight years ago, where were you?

I was sitting in psychology 201 waiting for my professor to show up when a girl came into class saying something about a plane flying into a building in New York being on the news. Completely understating the situation, leaving the impression that perhaps a biplane hit a random sky scraper. And it didn't help that she just came in and sat down.

Ten minutes of sitting there a few of us ventured out to see if we could find out anything about our professor, when walking past the cafeteria was saw a large group of students gathered around the televisions and upon further inspection I discovered what was actually going on. And in case you're curious, my professor has a brother who worked at the Pentagon so she was out because she couldn't get a hold of him to find out whether or not he was alive, which he was, so happy ending there.

So there, just wanted to get that out there. No ironic self evaluation (ironic because I was in a psychology class, and yes I'm using the word ironic properly), just wanted to say where I was.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention. Now that is irony.